Top 10 Organic Pest Control Methods

Natural Pest Control Methods That Really Work

Natural Pest Control Methods

If you are looking for ways to DIY pest control at home, natural remedies might the safest option. The conventional treatments require specialised approaches in order to ensure you are safe and that your home is safe for your pets and family.

Most of the natural remedies work to deter pests rather than kill them. While it’s not the most comprehensive approach, it can certainly keep the harmless albeit annoying pests at bay. Here are the top 10 natural DIY pest control methods;


Orange Oil

Orange Oil

Termites pose a major risk to the integrity of your buildings. If you find termites around the property, it is best to do immediate exterminations. However, it’s not always possible.

You can treat colonies you find outdoors with orange oil and borax. Both of these compounds kill termites on contact. Orange oil will make a good barrier if you apply it to the walls because it adheres better (thanks to being an oil).


General Bug Spray

General Bug Spray

If you’re looking for an easy way to repel the vast majority of insects, a general all-purpose bug spray is ideal. This bug spray is only safe for adults and it best applied to the general area rather than to the skin:

  • Apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, or vodka
  • 45 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 15 drops Lemon Essential Oil
  • Mix ingredients in a spray bottle and apply liberally. It should last you for a few months.




Cucumber repels ants. Follow the trail to the point at which they enter the house and back to their nest. Place the cucumber where they start their trail towards the house.


Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth

Another all-round pest deterrent which is more effective at eradicating ants is diatomaceous earth, also known as DE. It is a soft sedimentary rock with particles that are so tiny, they weaken the exoskeleton of most insects, causing them to die.

Ants tend to avoid the powder at all costs. You can create a barrier around your house by sprinkling it against the walls. Pour down down an ant nest hole to eradicate the superficial elements of the nest.

Ants can be a nuisance, especially during the Autumn months while they are stocking up their supplies in anticipation of winter. They don’t pose any great risk to your home or your family, but they can contaminate food and they’re a terrible irritation to have around.


Neem Oil

Neem Oil

Mosquitoes tend to respond to deterrents best. As DEET is no longer deemed safe for human use, try natural alternatives like Neem oil instead. Simply apply some to any exposed areas on the body. You can also try other methods, like lighting a citronella candle to deter them from entering the house.

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects. This is because they can spread malaria, a potentially fatal illness. Mosquitoes also deliver a horribly itchy bite that leaves a welt on the skin. How can you combat mosquitoes at home?


Citrus Oil

Citrus Smells

Another easy way to make your home less appealing to spiders is with citrus oil. You can either boil some orange, lemon, or other citrus peels in a pot of water or purchase the oil and spray it around the home.

Most spiders are completely harmless, not because they are non-venous but because their pincers are too petite to pierce human skin. They are also generally considered harmless because spiders prefer to flee and only bite if they have no other option.

However, this knowledge doesn’t make them any less creepy to look at! You can repel spiders by using peppermint oil.




Borax is ideal for eradicating termites colonies. Simply mix it with hot water and pour it down the hole. You can repeat this as many times as necessary.

There are many ways you can use the borax as a natural insect repellent.


Mint Leaves

Mint Leaves

Wave goodbye to moths by placing a handful of dried mint leaves in a sachet and hanging it in a wardrobe. Other options include making an insect repellent spray with dried mint leaves.

Boil a half cup of water with a spoonful of the leaves. Let the concoction cool for a couple of hours, strain the leaves then add the liquid to a spray bottle.


Peppermint Oil


Apply peppermint oil to window panes and leaves some in your ceiling. Always remain cautious when you use essential oils, they are not always safe for babies and pets. Always check with a vet or a doctor first.


Eucalyptus oil for flies

Eucalyptus Oil

Add some to a spray bottle with water and spray liberally. You can also add a few Eucalyptus leaves to a pot of boiling water and steep them to release the smell. This method will repel flies while simultaneously opening your airways and nasal passageways.

Flies spread disease, lay eggs that hatch maggots and pose a legitimate health hazard to people. It can be difficult to deter flies, especially when it’s hot. Flies detest the smell of Eucalyptus oil.


This artcile is published by Scott Dixon, the owner of Pro Pest Control Gold Coast.