Top 10 Most Deadly Spiders in Australia

Learn About These Life-Threatening Australian Spider

Have you heard about raining spiders? Creepy it may sound but yes it is certainly real. This phenomenal event is known as ballooning and occurs in an Australian town.  Australia is notorious for being a spider-filled country. They are abundant and widespread across the nation. Here you can also  find some of the most unique and deadly spiders in the world.  Its bite can cause from minor to severe harm. Their venom can be fatal if left untreated. We are grateful to a local pest expert, Adam Love from Pro Pest Control Sydney, for generously sharing his vast experience and deep knowledge about Australian Spiders. Let’s explore together and identify the top 10 most dangerous spiders in Australia.

1. Sydney Funnel-Web Spider (Atrax robustus)


This is probably the most poisonous spider in Australia and the most feared across the entire globe. The Sydney funnel is majorly found in South Wales, especially in the urban dwellings and forested areas. This spider is able to grow a leg size of 1.5cm to 3.5cm with fangs the length of a brown snake. The Funnel’s fangs are powerful enough to even pierce the toenail. Their venom is known to be very poisonous to humans, with a males spider’s bite capable of killing a grown man. Scientists discovered that the venom attacked the nervous system and internal organism causing intense pain and death eventually. However, with constant research, scientists developed an anti-venom to counter the funnel bite.


2. The Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasselti)

Also known as the Australian Black Widow.  This spider can be easily spotted with its distinct red stripe on its body. They are largely found across the country, living within bushes and within homes. They are known to prefer quiet places like under toilet seats or inside mailboxes, so you may need to be careful when accessing these places. The spider’s venom has been known to cause death by directly injecting its victim with its venom on the nerve resulting in depletion of neurotransmitters. With an average body length of one centimeter for the females and 4mm for males, these spiders definitely pose a threat. Having originated from South Australia, the spider has spread its presence and can now be found in South East Asia and New Zealand.

3. Mouse Spider (Missulena)

 They are found mainly in bushes and burrows but can also find their way into residential homes. There are eight species of the mouse spider across the entire country that are considered to be fatally venomous. The bite of this spider has minor effects on humans, with most species choosing to dry bite. However, their venom is highly toxic when and can prove fatal if unchecked. The different species vary in sizes ranging from 10 to 35mm and are found in mainland Australia. With the females choosing to enjoy the peace and quiet of burrows while the males wander through daytime heat.

4. Trapdoor Spiders (Ctenizidae)

The male trapdoor spiders are known to bite more than females. However, their venom is harmless to humans causing mild symptoms, usually some pain and swelling. They are famed for their hunting skills, whereby they lure their prey into their lair. They are capable of growing up to a full length of 2.5cm.These spiders primarily feed on insects but can go for larger animals like birds and scorpions.

5. White-Tailed Spider (Lampona cylindrata)

These spiders are easily identified by their white stripes and are majorly found in Southern and Eastern Australia, specifically in natural landscapes and urban dwellings. They move mostly move under the cover of darkness in search of food. Two species, Lampona cylindrata, and Lampona murina are known for frequently biting humans. However, their bites are non-lethal and cause minor symptoms such as itching and skin discoloration. These spiders are active hunters, known to attack their prey in their own habitats, with their particular prey being the black house spider.

6. Black House Spider ( Badumna insignis)

These spiders prefer living inside homes. They are capable of growing legs up to 30mm long. These spiders hunt by retreating and waiting to ambush their prey. Their venom is less toxic to humans. However, a bite has been reported to cause;
  • Intense pain
  • Swelling in the bite area
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Under natural settings, they are found in rough-barked trees, while in the house, they build webs in corners of windows and doorways.

7. Australian Tarantulas

Commonly referred to as whistling or barking spiders, these spiders are considered the largest spiders in Australia, with a leg span of 22cm and a fang of 1cm. These spiders live the longest, with the females living up to 30 years while the males are living up to 8years. Their bites may not be fatal to humans, but the large fangs will definitely cause intense pain and can even cause vomiting and fever. The tarantula venom has, however, been known to be fatal to dogs and cats with a survival time frame of 30-120 minutes. They are known for feeding on insects, small reptiles, and amphibians. The following are its four genera:

  • Selenocosmia -4 Species
  • Selenotholus – 1 Specie
  • Selenotypus – 1 Specie
  • Selenotypus plumipes -1 Specie

8. Fiddleback Spider (Loxosceles reclusa)

Also known as the recluse spider. This specie is  mostly feared because of its flesh-eating venom. Their bites leave destroyed skin and flesh parts that take long to heal, with worst-case scenarios of people having to get amputations. The spider has gained an infamous reputation across the globe. However, they are not known to be aggressive and rarely attack. They are found throughout Australia. They are considered deadly because there is no antidote to their bite. The bite is known to cause a dull and numb feeling which after an hour progresses into;

  • Local pain
  • Diaphoresis
  • Erythema
  • Piloerection where bitten.

9. Common Garden Orb Weaver Spider (Eriophora)

They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Their colors range from off-white to tan and brown to black. This species is known to be aggressive  with frequent cases of bites. They are known to live in gardens.  Building their webs on trees, hedges, and even on clothing lines. Their venom is considered less toxic to humans causing minor symptoms such as nausea and dizziness. These spiders are native to the Southern coastal regions of Australia.

10. Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae

These spiders are famed for their speed and hunting skills.  They belong to a large family of spiders called Sparassidae, which are hairy like the tarantulas. They have long legs and are usually grey or brown in color with banded legs. These spiders are not aggressive with a reluctance to bite, opting to run away when provoked. Their venom can caused;

  • Intense pain over a prolonged period
  • Inflammation in the bite site
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Irregular pulse rate

They are native across the country.  The brown huntsman can be commonly found in Southeastern Australia.


When bitten by a spider, regardless of its venomous properties, it is wise to rush to a medical facility to get checked. You need to get a good look at the spider to get to describe it well.